treeコマンドで文字化けを防ぐ (+他のオプション)


$ ls
file.txt         ファイル.txt
$ tree .
├── file.txt
└── �\203\225�\202��\202��\203�.txt

0 directories, 2 files

tree -Nのオプションを使えば、マルチバイト文字もそのまま表示してくれるので文字化けは起きないようだ.

  • -N: Print non-printable characters as is instead of as escaped octal numbers.
$ tree -N
├── file.txt
└── ファイル.txt

0 directories, 2 files

ついでなので他のオプションも見てみよう。 (version: 1.7.0)

  • -l: Follows symbolic links if they point to directories, as if they were directories. Symbolic links that will result in recursion are avoided when detected.
$ ls -1
$ ls -1 ../tmp3
$ tree
├── fuga.txt
├── hoge.txt
└── tmp -> ../tmp3

1 directory, 2 files
$ tree -l
├── fuga.txt
├── hoge.txt
└── tmp -> ../tmp3
    └── piyo.txt

1 directory, 3 files


  • -f: Prints the full path prefix for each file.
$ tree -Nf
├── ./file.txt
├── ./tmp
│   └── ./tmp/tmp -> ..
└── ./ファイル.txt

2 directories, 2 files
  • -D: Print the date of the last modification time or if -c is used, the last status change time for the file listed.
$ tree -DNc
├── [Aug 31 23:09]  ファイル.txt
├── [Aug 31 23:10]  file.txt
└── [Aug 31 23:16]  tmp
    └── [Aug 31 23:16]  tmp -> ..

2 directories, 2 files


  • -I pattern: Do not list those files that match the wild-card pattern.
$ tree -N
├── file.txt
├── tmp
│   └── tmp -> ..
└── ファイル.txt

2 directories, 2 files
$ tree -IN "file*"
├── tmp
│   └── tmp -> ..
└── ファイル.txt

2 directories, 1 file
$ tree -IN "file*|tmp"
└── ファイル.txt

0 directories, 1 file


  • -P pattern: List only those files that match the wild-card pattern.
$ tree -N
├── file.txt
├── tmp
│   └── tmp -> ..
└── ファイル.txt

2 directories, 2 files
$ tree -NP file.txt
├── file.txt
└── tmp

1 directory, 1 file
$ tree -NP file.txt --prune
└── file.txt

0 directories, 1 file

ただし現行バージョン (1.7.0) では--pruneオプション使用時はtreeの結果がメモリに全部載ってから出力されるようなので,結果が巨大な場合は出力が遅くなるなどの現象が起こるようである.

The –prune and –du options cause tree to accumulate the entire tree in memory before emitting it. For large directory trees this can cause a significant delay in output and the use of large amounts of memory.

  • -J: Turn on JSON output. Outputs the directory tree as an JSON formatted array.
  • -X: Turn on XML output. Outputs the directory tree as an XML formatted file.
$ tree -J
[{"type":"directory","name": ".","contents":[
$ tree -X
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <directory name=".">
    <file name="file.txt"></file>
    <directory name="tmp">
      <link name="tmp" target=".."></link>
    <file name="ファイル.txt"></file>

-J, -Xのオプションのときは-Nを指定しなくてもマルチバイト文字が文字化けしなかった.