


> (`elem` [1,2,3]) 3

3 `elem` [1,2,3]elem 3 [1,2,3]の形ならわかるし,(3 `elem`) [1,2,3]でも部分適応をしてるのはわかる.しかし,問題のコードがこれでいける理由が謎だった.

結果から見ると,どうも(`elem` [1,2,3])(\ x -> x `elem` [1,2,3])と等価なようだが...?



リンク: functional programming - Why do both map (^2) xs and map (2^) xs work as expected in Haskell? - Stack Overflow

The Haskell grammar has special support for construct like this, called “operator sections”. If you have any infix operator, like say #$%, then the following notation is supported:

(#$%)   = \x y -> x #$% y
(#$% y) = \x   -> x #$% y
(x #$%) = \y   -> x #$% y

So you are expecting some mathematical consistency to break this, and if Haskell were a miniscule language like Forth, I would be inclined to agree with your intuition. The reason it works is basically “because they wrote it to work like that”.

この答えを見る限り,やはり (`elem` [1,2,3])(\ x -> x `elem` [1,2,3])と等価であるらしい.wiki.haskell.orgのページを見てもやはり同じことが書いてあった.

In Haskell there is a special syntax for partial application on infix operators. Essentially, you only give one of the arguments to the infix operator, and it represents a function which intuitively takes an argument and puts it on the “missing” side of the infix operator.

(2^) (left section) is equivalent to (^) 2, or more verbosely \x -> 2 ^ x
(^2) (right section) is equivalent to flip (^) 2, or more verbosely \x -> x ^ 2


(infix_op e) = \ x -> x infix_op e
(e infix_op) = \ x -> e infix_op x

